FAST>>FORWARD>>AUSTIN - Contemporary Music Festival 2011 [April 9]

contemporary music and arts festival

This is an event open to the general public put on by Fast Forward Austin, presenting 8 hours of cutting-edge, genre-bending music from Austin’s most innovative artists with  featured performances by Aeolus String Quartet, Line Upon Line Percussion, Austin New Music Co-op, and Bel Cuore Sax Quartet. Additional performances by Steve Parker, Mongoose, Tim Doyle, and Rosalyn Nasky.

2 TO 10PM

Space 12 : 3121 E 12th Street : Austin, TX

Aeolus String Quartet : Line Upon Line
Bel Cuore Sax Quartet : New Music Co-Op


$10-$20 : proceeds benefit Anthropos Art

Anthropos Arts - Promo Video


2:00 Tim Doyle
a collective gathering of stringed instruments present a set of uniquely improvised compositions

2:30 Line Upon Line
the hard-driving, wildly adventurous percussion trio plays a set featuring newly commissioned works

3:30 Steve Parker
trombone like you’ve never heard it before

4:00 Bel Cuore
the barn-burning, precision unit of wizard saxophonists give a concert chock full of innovative works

5:30 Mongoose
this unconventional improv collective is part music, part theater, part performance art and all ridiculous

6:30 Aeolus String Quartet
visceral new music for strings, including a special performance of Dan Visconti’s Black Bend
(winner of Fast Forward Austin’s 2011 international call for scores)

7:30 Butoh
Vivid and surreal form of dance rooted in the modern Japanese tradition. Performed by Ellen Bartel and Mari Akita with live soundscapes by Adam Sultan

8:00 Austin New Music Coop
the passionately inventive group presents a rare performance of Arnold Dreyblatt’s monumental, large-scale minimalist score Kinship Collapse

9:00 In C
Terry Riley’s seminal work featuring students of Anthropos Arts


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